Approved by AICTE
Affiliated to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
('A+' Grade University by NAAC)

An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute

Admission Open for 2025-2026 Batch

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Grievance Redressal Committee

Constitution of Grievance Redressal Committee

            As per guidelines of the AICTE, an Internal Complaint Committee comprising the following members is constituted to deal with the grievance of the students, parents, and others:

  • Er. Manpreet Singh, Dean (Academics)                                             - Convenor
  • Mrs. Pratibha, Registrar (Finance)                                                     - Member
  • Vikram Kumar, Asst. Professor                                                          - Member
  • Dr. Anita Jain, Asst. Professor Applied Sci. & Hum. Dept.                 - Member

The mechanism for Redressal of Grievance

  1. An aggrieved student can file an application to the concerned HOD. After verifying all the issues and facts. HOD will try to find the solution or make the applicant satisfied with the positive solution within a week of the filing of the grievance.
  2. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the HOD or finds that his/her grievance is not redressed, then he/she may file his/her appeal to the college-level committee within a week from the date of receipt of the decision with the relevant details.
  3. The concerned committee with review the decision given by the HOD and will take an appropriate decision within 10 days.


Success is aspired by all, but achieved by only a few. To embark on a journey of success, one needs the tools of preparedness, foresight and strategy. These lead to the path of growth and high quality operation. It is imperative to combine these three forces in an institution where hard work and sincerity act like a pivot tilting the pan balance of life in favour of fitness and wellbeing. — Ramesh Kumar, B.Tech (CSE)
HEC always laze emphasis on holistic education and an all-round growth of the students. It, therefore, motivates and encourages the students to participate in multi furious activities. There are different forums and societies in the college which continually conduct various extra-curricular, cultural, social and adventurous events. Along with appropriate prizes, proper testimonials and certificates in recognition to their contribution and performance are also awarded to the participants. — Deepak Sharma, B.Tech (ECE)

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