Approved by AICTE
Affiliated to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
('A+' Grade University by NAAC)

An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute

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HEC organized 9th Annual Sports meet on 17th Oct, 2013. All the students participated in the Sports meet enthusiastically. The Sports meet was inaugurated by the hands of District Sports Officer, Mr. Parminder Singh by enhancing light on the importance of Sports in life, Mr. Parminder Singh emphasized that sports is also very important part of student for the complete development. Sports play an important role in the development of Physical and mental state of a student. He said that student should choose atleast one game which becomes the pride hot only for the individual but for the country also. Principal Dr. Kuldip Singh explained that students should take part in game simultaneously with studies. In this sports meet Volleyball, Basketball, Kabaddi, Badminton, Football, Racing, Disc-throw, Table- Tanis and may other games well arranged. Students of all the branches as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Electronics & Comm. Engineering took part in games in which Civil Engineering got first in position in Kabaddi, Basketball, Volleyball and Second Position won by Electronics & Comm. Engineering. In Football match students of Mechanical Engineering got first position. Amandeep Singh honored an  best Athlete male and Aditya got second position. Swati got first prize for best Athlete female and second prize won by Preeti.

This Sports meet was concluded by Principal, Dr. Kuldip Singh, Registrar Madam Pratibha and  Dean Academics, Mr. Harish Mahendru by giving prizes to the winners. At end of this meet Sports Officer, Mr. Surender Singh thanks the leading coaches and students.



Success is aspired by all, but achieved by only a few. To embark on a journey of success, one needs the tools of preparedness, foresight and strategy. These lead to the path of growth and high quality operation. It is imperative to combine these three forces in an institution where hard work and sincerity act like a pivot tilting the pan balance of life in favour of fitness and wellbeing. — Ramesh Kumar, B.Tech (CSE)
HEC always laze emphasis on holistic education and an all-round growth of the students. It, therefore, motivates and encourages the students to participate in multi furious activities. There are different forums and societies in the college which continually conduct various extra-curricular, cultural, social and adventurous events. Along with appropriate prizes, proper testimonials and certificates in recognition to their contribution and performance are also awarded to the participants. — Deepak Sharma, B.Tech (ECE)

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